Szent Donát Estate

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2 Responses

  1. April 1, 2017

    […] Szent Donát Winery was founded in 2001, but the father’s side of the family has lived in Csopak for more than 200 years, and they have been cultivating the grapes first of all Olaszrizling. Now it comes from 6 hectars having the biggest portion of our sortiment. Its ideal yield for excellent quality is 1-1,5 kilo per stock. The summer in 2015 was hot with high yields, balanced wines with nice content were produced. On lime soil Olaszrizling produces the caracteristics of the variety like salty, minerality, citrus, green apple, tight acid structure, nice content, outstanding balance. […]

  2. April 1, 2017

    […] Szent Donát Estate‘s Meszes is 100% Olaszrizling from the Szitahegy and Nagykút Vineyards of Csopak, wich are rich in lime (the basic rocks are marl and limestone) and give the wine a strong mineral character. The vines are 15-30 years old. It was fermented with natural yeasts in used barrels and stainless steel tanks, so as maturation for 5-6 mounth. Nice acidity on the palate comes with a citrus note, a hint of almond, apple and sweet spices from the short oak aging. Great balance, excellent structure. […]

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