Fekete Winery of Szekszárd

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2 Responses

  1. March 19, 2017

    […] Fekete Winery‘s Kékfrankos is deep purple-red, a substantial red wine. Fruit flavours evoking ripe sour cherry and a long, exciting finish. The wine was aged in large barrels (500-100 l) for one year. A total of 3000 bottles were made. Grapes were harvested from 30-40-year-old vines on loess. 2011 was an outstanding vintage with plenty of sunshine and excellent grapes. […]

  2. April 1, 2017

    […] have been cultivating Kékfrankos since 1970 on 2 hectares using the Guyot system in Fekete Estate. The perfect yield of Kékfrankos is 1.5 kg/vine. It prefers loess soils. For a truly great […]

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